LEED Certification for sustainable projects


Sustainable Project LEED Certification Process

LEED is an evualuation system for sustainable buildings that allows for the certification of the design and construction process as well as the day to day operations of any given project. It is a stamp of quality and achievement in ecological construction that guarantees healthier and more productive spaces committed to the environment and the efficient management of energy and other resources. 

Surf Simply, LEED Platinum. Photo by: Andres Garcia Lachner

Surf Simply, LEED Platinum. Photo by: Andres Garcia Lachner

SPHERA in the process for seeking sustainable LEED certification

For SPHERA, the LEED certification is a methodology for design and evaluation rather than an end product of a process. The strategies to be implemented take into account the site, the project specifications, and the LEED evaluation points system, all order to assure a project that is highly efficient, has a positive impact on the occupants, and also a return on investment

A very important factor for us is being able to accompany the different teams from the very beginning of a project in order to avoid changes that can be costly in terms of time and money during the construction. That way, we can ensure the design of functional and sustainable strategies that are benficial to the project, the client and the occupants.

As part of the accompaniment process, we periodically review the construction documents and conduct construction site visits in order to guide and verify that the planned strategies are being executed correctly, while at the same constantly look for areas of improvement. 

Another component to note in SPHERA’s accompaniment process is the educational approach. We see to it that our client, as well as the design team, is familiar with the strategies in place, can understand the environmental, social and economical impact of the project, and has the tools necessary to successfully promote a sustainable construction in the best way possible.  

SPHERA is then responsible for the documentation of the entire project in order to obtain the LEED certification, which we work on with the support of and information provided by the design and construction team.

Centro de Convenciones Costa Rica, LEED Gold.

Centro de Convenciones Costa Rica, LEED Gold.

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